Monday, April 11, 2011


"...Convection began to grow on me that as a women Franklin was something of a permanent freak in their midst, and it was this unalterable fact of her being that fed so disastrously into an alienation that might have been ameliorated had she been a man. As a women, she was, historically, a stranger in the King's College laboratory: they had never really had them, never wanted them, never known what to do with them; women in the; lab just didn't seem right." (Women in Science: Then and Now, pg 3)
This quote stood out for me because I felt that in a few sentences the author was able to describe an emotion, or a feeling that has been going on for a while and no one really wanted to address what they where feeling. Vivian Gornick had the courage to say what men felt and wasn't afraid to tell it to the world, and for that I admire her for it. However I feel that this statement is incorrect today, women do have their place in labs but they might not be as important as men's positions. But nonetheless women have progressed and have fought a hard battle to achieve the position that they are in and every achievement counts no matter how small.

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