Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paper Status

When I started writing to this paper, I was worried that I won't find enough information to fill up 12 pages. However that wasn't the case I found enough information to write my own book. All of the information is valuable but sadly I don't have space for it in my paper. History of women in science and all of their achievements filled up a vast majority of my paper, around 10 pages. Which leaves me with about five pages to a support my argument with current events. I was able to accomplish my goal of analyzing with five pages, however I didn't account for my conclusion which I am currently writing. This project is slowly coming to an end, and I am glad, because it taught me a lot about how to research and making sure that I have credible sources. All I have left, is to write my cover letter and my annotated bibliography, which should be easy compared to the work I put towards this paper.

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