Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sheryl WuDunn: Our century's greatest injustice | Video on TED.com

Sheryl WuDunn: Our century's greatest injustice | Video on TED.com

This video brought a lot of things to my attention that I have never realized before. On being how far women still need to go to remove the stereotype that women aren't as good as men. This interview also showed me that women are part of the solution, which is exactly what Sheryl WuDunn said. That phrase struck me and it had an impact that I didn't expect. It could be because I never thought that women are part of the solution but indeed they are part of the solution. Usually having balance solves most issues. and in the case of gender inequality I truly believe that having balance between the genders in the world could just be the answer to many problems. In reality women and men are counterpoints to each other they both bring good qualities and if there is too much of one gender then somethings can go unnoticed. It has been scientifically proven that brain functions differ between men and women but that difference isn't something to create a prejudice over.

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