Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The idea of scientists is mainly male dominant, and it has been for a long time. When you go to Google images and Google Scientists, the majority of the pictures show up with males preforming experiments. However there are a handful of pictures that do show women scientist. This shows that the gender inequalities in the science field are starting to even out. However on particular picture that caught my eye was a picture promoting a Halloween costume for women that showed them as a sexy scientist. This picture can be considered offending. I realize that it is just a costume and it isn't a big deal. However for all the women who worked really hard to be recognized in the scientific fields, I feel like this picture would be offending. It would be offending each famous female scientist in a different way. For me it is offending because it shows that women can only dress up as scientists for a day and get away with it, but in real life they can’t do something like that, no one would take them seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Well, next time a shirtless soldier, firefighter, police officer, etc. shows up to a bachelorette party, men of the world should unite to express how offended they are.
