Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dear Dr. Olivia

This post symbolizes the conclusion of writing my paper about women in science. This by far is the longest paper  I have written, and if it was up to me my paper would be longer. There is a lot more information about women in science that I just couldn't put in my paper, because I would end up with a book. I was upset with the fact that there were good points that had no room in my paper. Overall I am happy with the way my paper turned out. This class taught me a lot. For the first time I actually don't mind writing, I have Dr. Olivia to thank for that. As the last component of my paper I am required to write a letter to Dr. Olivia, so here is the beginning of my letter.

Dear Dr. Olivia

This semester taught me a lot. Not in the sense of things that I didn’t know but how to do things in a way that improves my writing. I used to write my paper a few nights before it was due and then turn it in. I would get good grades because of my ideas, but throughout my paper there would mistakes, in sentence structure, and grammar. Your requirement of a drafting process reminded me, that in order to write a good paper you need to edit, edit and reedit and the only way to edit effectively you need to write drafts.
My favorite project this semester was the paper about Food Inc. although I dreaded that assignment when it was first given to us. The reason I dreaded the assignment was because you assigned us a broad topic to write about and you let us figure out what we wanted to write about. I struggled to find a topic that was acceptable to write seven to nine pages about. Even when I found a topic to write about, I still struggled with how to structure my paper and what argument I was going to use. I put a lot of work in the paper, in form of research, writing, and visiting the writing center to get feedback on what I need to fix. But in the end it was worth it because I came out with the best paper that I have written by far. 

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